I would like to express my sincere thanks to the following people for their invaluable assistance in a variety of ways during the development of this website.
Please note that inclusion on this list is in no way intended to constitute an endorsement or recommendation of the contents of this website by these individuals.
The Invisible Night School:
Leah Prime (@leahprime)
Luis Cayetano (
Nick Coffin (@InvNightSchool)
& All:
Dr. Massimo Teodorani (@Totemtag)
Robbie Robertson (@OutOfTheBlank1)
Michael Mataluni (@singularitymike)
Luis Jimenez (@LuAngeles)
Rather B. Squidding (@BSquidding)
Daniel Miller (@SicCoP1)
Steve Long (@UAPorSAP)
Jeff Kingsbury (@ReconStrange)
Guthrie Dyce (@DyceGuthrie)
Bradley (@bradjohansson21)
Flarkey (@flarkey)
Den0 (@Arnfden0)